Public Sensitization on night and weekend revenue collection.

Date: (Start – End)
21st December, 2022 – 23rd December, 2022

Kwadaso Municipal Assembly

Crew Members
Eric Nti Boateng, Evelyn Dwomoh, Mr. Lawrence Nyame, Eric Dapaah.

Language Used

Activity Undertaken:
Van Outreach
Public sensitization in all the 16 communities in Kwadaso Municipal with a van.


Number of communities in a district 16

Names of communities visited in a day
Day 1. Day 2. Day 3
Edwenease. Sofiline. Apattapa
Wamase. Denchemuoso. Pokukrom
Agric Takyiman. Asuoyeboah
Nzima. IPT. Nyankyerenease
Kokode. Tanoso.

Audience Type:
Traders, Store Operators, Households.

What happened

The Kwadaso Municipal office of ISD and NCCE embarked on public sensitization on the introduction of Night and weekend revenue collection and sensitization of the general public especially persons that live within the confines of the communities that share border with other sister Assemblies for them not to honour their tax obligations to those sister Assemblies.
The campaign team took the sensitization to the length and breadth of the Municipality with the help of the Municipal Assembly’s van. Community Information Centres within the Municipality were also visited for the education.
The populace were made to understand the need for the weekend and night revenue collection. Those at the borders were also made to understand that, where they are located is part of the Kwadaso Municipal Assembly and so should not pay their tax to any other Assembly. In all these places relevant questions were answered.

Public reaction:
The public wanted to know the following:
What the proceeds of the revenue collected is used for because all their inner town roads are bad?
Who to contact in case of over taxing?
Which Assembly has the right to collect revenue from the people at the Unity oil filing station close to Neoplan. (Bantama sub-metro or KdMA)?
How do they identify the revenue collectors because some do not have tags?
What is the rate for food vendors?
What has accounted for the night and weekend revenue collection?
Some landlords do not know how much they are supposed to pay as property rate.

Traders became aware of the introduction of the night and weekend revenue collection.
Residents and Traders that pay their tax at the boarders of the Assembly also got to know they are part of Kwadaso Assembly.
The citizenry got to know the importance of paying revenue to the Assembly.
The public sensitization reached a vast number of people both at home and at workplaces.

It was difficult for the team to visit certain places due to unaccessed roads.
Some people were hostile to the team.

Conclusion Despite the few challenges that the team encountered, the whole exercise was successful.

Recommendations (Impact Assessment)
The public sensitization should have been done earlier in the year.
The public sensitization should be a regular practice.
The Assembly should sit down with the Bantama Sub-Metro to thrash out the boundary issue.
Letters should be written to residents and traders at the various places where the Assembly share boarders with other sister Assemblies.
Revenue collectors should visit residents and traders at the various borders on time to collect their revenue to prevent other Assemblies from doing so.

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